


Zest Food and Feeding is an online private practice that specialises in paediatric nutrition and feeding.

Does this sound familiar?

“My daughter won’t try any new foods.”

“Our kids’ eating is so unpredictable. One day they love something, the next day they don’t.”

“I wish my son ate more fruits and veggies!”

“I don’t know what to cook. No one in our family likes the same meal.”

“Some days it seems as though our daughter lives on air!”

“Mealtimes have become such a battle! No one enjoys dinner time anymore.”

Feeding kids can be tricky.

You worry about your child’s health, growth, and development.
You feel uncertain whether you are doing the right thing.
You feel like you are to blame for your child’s eating, or that you’re failing as a parent.
You feel unappreciated, resentful, frustrated, or angry.
You dread mealtimes because they are plagued by power struggles, tension, and stress.

Zest Food and Feeding provides education, feeding assessment, and feeding therapy services to caregivers of young children (aged 0-17 years).

We provide a friendly, collaborative, inclusive, and non-judgemental space to help you understand the what, how, and why of paediatric feeding, and resolve your feeding concerns and difficulties.

Hello and welcome! I’m Chelsea!

As a mum, I know that feeding children can be fraught with worry, confusion, self-doubt, frustration, and stress.

I founded Zest Food and Feeding because I know that you want a trustworthy, up-to-date, practical, and supportive service that empowers you to become an expert at feeding your kids.

As a university-qualified Nutritionist who specialises in paediatric nutrition and feeding, I’m passionate about equipping you with the knowledge, skills, and strategies you need to make mealtimes relaxed and enjoyable, and create lifelong confident eaters.

Online Paediatric Nutritionist - Chelsea Green

We support undergraduate and early career nutritionists, too!

Need to complete a mandatory work placement for your Nutrition degree? We offer remote, flexible and supportive placements for undergraduate nutritionists that provide practical experience and mentoring.

Are you an undergraduate or early-career nutritionist looking for advice on career paths, job applications, paediatric nutrition, or starting a small business? Get the guidance and support you need to succeed.

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